A healthy glow begins with healthy skin and overall wellness from the inside out. MDSkin provides an assortment of options to improve skin quality and provide overall improved well being. Injections with supplements including B vitamins, essential amino acids, and L-Carnitine to improve skin quality, increase the strength of hair and nails, speed up metabolism, and feel improved overall wellness.
Anyone can benefit from extra vitamins and nutrients in their diet. If you want improved health and skin quality, you should consider a therapeutic injection at our Scottsdale practice. The best way to know what vitamins and nutrients will benefit you is through a consultation with one of our experts at MDSkin and MDSkin Bar.
There is no downtime after a therapeutic injection. You can expect some minor discomfort and redness near the injection site, but this should subside within a couple of days. After the injections, you will notice a boost in energy, mental focus, health, and in your skin.
Your journey begins with a personalized blueprint that serves as a comprehensive, long-term plan to feeling & looking your best. A patient interview establishes aesthetic concerns and sets individual goals. Each plan then includes a daily skincare regimen and monthly, quarterly, and annual recommendations for more advanced treatments.