Treatment Areas

Around the Eyes


PRF stands for platelet-rich fibrin, a portion of blood that contains platelets with healing and growth factors. This 100% natural gel is spun in a centrifuge at low G-force to recover a greater number of platelets than past treatment options. More platelets allow for quicker tissue growth and a great treatment outcome.
This treatment is completely natural so you will not be adding any potentially harmful chemicals into your body. PRF gel is injected into the face as a natural filler around the eyes, forehead, and nasolabial folds, which are the lines between the nose and mouth. The gel acts as a natural filler to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles, creating a younger, fuller-looking face.
Men and women noticing facial volume loss and wanting to improve skin quality are great candidates for PRF gel treatment. One benefit of this treatment is that everyone can receive PRF since the treatment is performed from the patient’s blood and does not use any foreign agents. To learn more about candidacy, contact our office to schedule a consultation appointment.
Men and women noticing facial volume loss and wanting to improve skin quality are great candidates for PRF gel treatment. One benefit of this treatment is that everyone can receive PRF since the treatment is performed from the patient’s blood and does not use any foreign agents. To learn more about candidacy, contact our office to schedule a consultation appointment.
PRF gel/liquid results will be seen immediately, along with some swelling. This swelling will quickly reduce, and full results can be seen two weeks after treatment. Your skin quality will continue to improve over the next four weeks, and you will gradually see more volume and fullness.
There is very minimal downtown for PRF liquid/gel treatments. We advise no heavy exercise for 24 hours since there is the possibility of swelling, bruising, and tenderness for the first few days following treatment.
Your journey begins with a personalized blueprint that serves as a comprehensive, long-term plan to feeling & looking your best. A patient interview establishes aesthetic concerns and sets individual goals. Each plan then includes a daily skincare regimen and monthly, quarterly, and annual recommendations for more advanced treatments.